We are thrilled that we will be at the Bangalore Ultra 2014. The first Bangalore Ultra in 2007 is where it all started for us. Madhu Avasarala introduced us to trail & ultra running. Runners for Life conducted the event under their banner. A new beautiful experience followed filled with gratitude and inspiration. Come say hello:)

5 Responses

  1. Partha Roy

    I wrote an post on RFL Google group, Best footrace in India

    Was the Bangalore Ultra Marathon the best foot-race in India ? You bet
    it was. Starting from the announcement, website, registration,
    periodic updates to runners, travel arrangement, break-fast, lunch,
    aid stations, announcements, medal and prize distribution everything
    had a stamp of quality and world-class written all over it.

    You all can imagine amount of planning that has gone into the race to
    make it such smooth affair. Starting from Madhu’s vision, everybody
    made it their own project. Many would not have known, the planning has
    been going for 6-9 months. Other than wonderful team at TFL, many
    RFLers volunteered their time. Madhu, Jugy, Sunil, Bhasker, Athreya,
    Nicshal and of course A1 & A2 – you guys rock. I must commend
    Boppanna, A1, A2, Suhail, Chatura, Atul – sorry not to remember all
    names but you get the picture. Despite best effort by authorities, the
    issues were resolved by Boppana, A1 & A2, and in the hindsight the new
    route turned out to be better than what was original one. Kudos to
    people manning the aid station, they did a wonderful job. What was
    that Jam again in the sandwitch ? Yummy !!! Excellent job by Rajat’s
    team. Kirean and rest of your team rocked. Really world class stuff.

    Again I must thank Madhu, Rajat and RFL for making me a better runner.
    For this particular ultra run, I would like to than Praveen for
    hanging out with me through out the run. Naina was volunteering for
    the run but she ran a full lap with us to give company. That was
    absolutely fantastic effort. Panakj – where we would be without your
    red bus and unending stories and anecdotes. Last and but not the least
    Sabine and her team for keeping the energy level at the trail few
    notches higher than usual.

    Now for the 2008 the edition of the race. Do we want to set the date
