In 2005-2006, Madhu Avasarala started to introduce the then very novice small running community in India to Trail and Ultra Running. Everyone wanted to do a Marathon. This perception changed with him. Now runners wanted to do an Ultra. In 2007, he started the first Trail and Ultra races in India, the Kaveri Trail Marathon and the Bangalore Ultra. Runners for Life conducted these events under their banner and own both races today. Madhu was more than happy as he wanted the movement to grow.

Madhu introduced me to trail running. He got me off running on road. I had started to experience knee problems due to running on paved surfaces. Once I switched to trail they disappeared. My entire body got stronger. Initially my ankles would roll easily on the tough trail terrain. But my feet and ankles only got stronger and they stopped to roll. I started to LOVE TRAILS.

I have seen the most magnificent views, climbed higher than I thought I could, been in temples of trees, felt exhilaration and have learnt to give thanks to every trail I have the opportunity to run on. I love being on trails. It is simple pleasure.

Thank you Madhu for the inspiration and the lifetime gift. ULTRA BEING™ would not have started without you.